Hello! May we know you?
I am Mr Kehinde Lateef. I hail from Ilorin, kwara state
How did u end up doing branding and printing?
It was a natural talent which one of my secondary school mates liberated me with advice to use the talent as a means of livelihood. I also developed the talent by learning from a friend that is into Art & Signs.
You’re a teacher as well, how do you manage to combine branding and teaching? Does one not eat into the other?
I created separate days out of the week for both. Weekdays for teaching and weekend for the other.
What were your fears before you ventured into branding?
I had absolutely no fear, as I remained focused and continued working towards my mission and vision statement.
Did you have any support, loan or grant when you started out?
What is the greatest challenge you have faced since you started out?
Scarcity and Sudden inflation on some cost of materials/commodities that reduces my profit drastically.
Have u met with troublesome clients, how do you manage to cope with them?
Yes. With sufficient patience and endurance.
Your brand name is Optimal Klothings, why did you choose to opt for that name?
Apart from being optimistic, the name optimal implies producing the best quality. And I love giving out quality products to customers that can afford it.
How long have you been into this business?
11 years plus.
How did you manage to acquire so many customers?
Through friends, relatives, family, neighbours, colleagues at work and online advertisements.
Do u enjoy doing branding and printing, or do u just do it as a means of survival?
Yes! I enjoy what I do.
Do you have plans to expand your business and become a big brand, or you’re just doing it for the main time?
Yes! I intend to expand over time.
What are the social media handles of your brand?
@optimal printz & Klothing (Facebook)
It’s obvious that your work and business take time, how do you switch between your personal life and work?
I use some of my apprentice at times for minor work. At time I send my friends living around where I get materials to help me get it before I arrive so as to save myself some stress and time.
Does your wife complain that you do not give her enough time and attention?
No! She understands how I strive to earn us a living
What is your greatest fear?
Fear of losing any customer.
What is your deepest regret?
When customer refuse to pay my balance after several calls and plea.
Have you ever fought or had a misunderstanding with any of your clients?
Do you like or follow politics?
What’s that one thing you dislike the most about living in Nigeria??
Bad governance
Is printing a lucrative business?
Yes. Most especially when you have adequate machineries and equipment
Would u advise young unemployed graduates to venture into your line of business?