
  • PublishedOctober 21, 2018

The war against women of easy virtues rages on in Kenyan as the country’s government has come against Chinese nationals engaging in businesses reserved for locals. The recent crackdown was at a brothel in the capital Nairobi where 15 Chinese nationals were arrested.
The arrest was made by immigration officials at the popular South C estate neighbourhood and the Chinese suspects were transported to the Jomo Kenyatta Airport for processing and subsequent deportation, reports Daily Nation.
The Chinese embassy in Kenya has recently expressed displeasure at the arrest of their nationals who have legal documents to stay in the country. This followed the raid of the offices of the China Global Television Network in Nairobi and the brief detention of journalists to check their immigration status.
A Chinese employer was recently deported after he was caught on a video making disparaging remarks about Kenyans, including the president, Uhuru Kenyatta. It happened just hours after the end of the China-Africa cooperation summit where the Chinese government demonstrated its commitment to supporting Africa.
The man, named Liu Jiaqi, was recorded in the brief video saying that “all Kenyans [are] like a monkey, even [President] Uhuru Kenyatta”. The video is reported to have been recorded by an employee of Liu who was about to lose his job.
The employee was heard complaining about unfair treatment by his Chinese employer, but he [employer] interrupted saying he was getting that treatment because he was Kenyan.
“I don’t like here, like a monkey people. I don’t like [to] talk with them. Smells bad and poor… and black. Who like them? Why not the bright people like the Americans?” he added.
“So why are you coming to do business here?” the employee asked. “For money…money’s important,” he replied.
Another worrying trend following the influx of Chinese workers in Kenya is the growing number of abandoned babies of Chinese men who father children with local women.

Written By
Africh Royale

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