Mystery behind the 24 “Alien” black-boxes discovered near Egypt’s pyramids of Giza

Weighing over 100 tons of gold is the 24 strange and arcane coffin-shaped black boxes found buried in a hillside case system 12 miles south of the Great Pyramid of Giza. This new discovery has generated several theories as to how and why ancient Egyptians built them.
The mighty “Pharaoh” of the Egyptians dominated the world for over 3 millenniums. When their domination came to an end, they left an inheritance for their descendants with a huge wealth of architecture, artifacts and cultural mythology which continues to linger in the mind of the world to date. It is crucial for us to state that the ancient Egyptian civilization was purely Black (African), and any claim by Europeans or Arabs (who currently inhabit Egypt) is fiction.
The amount of humongous mysteries left by ancient Egypt still puzzles renowned researchers, scholars till date. From the Grand Pyramids of Giza to the mysterious hieroglyphics, the legacy of their mythology lives on.
Archaeologists are left with questions running through their minds about the purpose of the boxes. Why are they hidden there? Why were they built? What were the aliens, who are believed to have built them, thinking of using them for?
The skillfulness and dexterity known as Serapeum of Saqqara, located in the now-abandoned city of Memphis, Egypt, is so ingeniously constructed that some experts have come up with the assertion that they were not built by the ancient Egyptians, but left behind by aliens or hypothetical creatures and claimed by the Pharaohs.
On the body of the black boxes are written some hieroglyphics. Although the written are of poor quality that the scribbles are considered as graffiti. While the existence of the boxes still remain unknown, they were clearly of high significance, as they were cut with such high precision that they remained hermetically secured after several millennia.
In Egyptian tradition, a serapeum is known as a religious building in dedication to the syncretic Greco-Egyptian god Serapis. Serapis was widely known across the entire Mediterranean region and can be seen in both Greek and Gnostic religions, representing the form of a man with three-headed dog on a chain.
Scholars are of the opinion that the formal burial site was built around more than 3 millenniums years ago by Pharaoh Ramesses 11. According to recent research results, it was a burial place of Apis bulls, worshipped as the reincarnation of the god Ptah.
Egyptologists believes that because the bulls were revered as gods, Khaemweset, son of Ramesses 11 commander that a deep tunnel be dug through any of the mountains at the site and installed with side chambers, filled with large sarcophagi weighing around 100 tons each, meant to hold the mummified remains of the bulls.
History accounts that it was Auguste Marriete who found the temple, when he went to Egypt to collect Coptic manuscripts but thereafter, developed an interest in the remains of the Saqqara necropolis.
In 1850, Marriete found the head of one sphinx protruding out of the shifting dunes of the desert sands. He cleared the sand and followed the path to the site of the temple.
After using explosives, mostly likely C4, to clear the path of the entrance to the tomb, he dug and excavated most of the complex.