Business Technology

Technology meets Education in Ghana

Technology meets Education in Ghana
  • PublishedNovember 24, 2020

Following the outbreak of Covid-19 earlier this year leading to lockdown regulations, education in Ghana was  interrupted as schools are now trying to re-work their academic calendar.

 In collaboration with Ghana’s Ministry of Education and Education service, the partnership would begin through the creation of learning content as well as tools for teacher training for both students and teachers respectively.

This is to be done via the Ghana Learning Radio Programme and Television broadcast that would also include SMS guides as learning aids to ensure that learning continues after the outbreak of the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

This also forms part of the program’s objective of the immediate admission of kids, especially girls back to school.The first step of the programme is the sensitisation campaign aimed at creating awareness by disseminating information and educating parents and guardians on how the programme is to operate.

 While confirming the consequences of the disruption of schooling activities in the country as well as the aims and objectives of the partnership, Anne-Claire Dufay, a UNICEF Representative in Ghana said that, “When children are not learning, they are less likely to break out of the cycle of poverty.

 “Thanks to this strategic partnership, with the Mastercard Foundation, UNICEF will support government efforts to ensure innovative opportunities for safe and quality continuous learning for every child. ”

The partnership according is  part of the Mastercard Foundation Covid-19 Recovery and Resilience Programme estimated at $4.6 million in value and is expected to run for two years till May 2022.

Written By
Africh Royale

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