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TiTi Owusu: A rising music Ghanaian star

TiTi Owusu: A rising music Ghanaian star
  • PublishedJuly 27, 2020
TiTi Owusu is a rising Ghanaian star on the African music horizon.

Titi OwosuThe name TiTi Owusu to quite many people may not sync with music, even though her voice may be one often heard and appreciated in many songs.

Cutting her teeth as a singer in the church at an early stage, from where her foray into music began, TiTi Owusu never knew those times she was singing her heart out in the auditorium of a Church of Pentecost branch in Ghana, were her preparatory years towards a career in show business.

Born and bred in Accra Ghana,where she attended primary school and Ghana Secondary School in the Eastern region, Owusu was always in the company of her grandmother to church at that early age, as fate undoubtedly had launched her on the path of her destiny. Because she loved to sing, parties and weddings organized by her neighbours were also avenues that served to groom her talent.

As a primary school student, due to her music prowess, Owusu won a scholarship,  from the age of nine till she was 14.

However, it was when she was a Senior High School student that she took her talent seriously and decided to develop it. In 2014, she won the Best Female Singer/Rapper accolade . 

She has gone on to contribute vocals on Beauty, Nice and Sunshine; records by hip hop rapper/music producer and entrepreneur Jayso as a bubbling singer, aiming for the skies.

In 2014, she emerged first runner-up in the music reality television show,TiTi Owosu Vodafone Icons. Her outstanding display during the course of the television show, not only validated her musical gifts, but also endeared her to some of the best music producers including Jayso, whom she has worked with since.

The amazing singer/songwriter released her debut single titled, Karma, featuring veteran female rapper/singer Itz Tiffany in December, 2019. Rosie Riveter, the woman who became the face of working women during World War II inspired the artwork for the single a “girl power” song.

TiTi Owusu is finally ready to step into the hallowed world of music after spending years developing her talent and recording music under the gaze of Jayso. TiTi Owusu is currently signed to UK-based Skillions Global, an independent label, talent management and media group.

For Owusu, music is her whole world, as she unequivocally quips: “Music means everything to me, I don’t see myself living without it. I knew music was for me when I started picturing myself on big stages back in Junior High School, I’ve had visions and day dreams of myself singing my heart out on worldwide stages.”

Without doubt, Titi Owusu is set for the big time, equipped with a breathtaking voice as an artist, well developed with other professionals guiding.

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Written By
Africh Royale

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