Entertainment and Lifestyle

Twins with Different Skin Color Who Defy Racism

Twins with Different Skin Color Who Defy Racism
  • PublishedJuly 10, 2018

Marcia and Millie Biggs are two fraternal twins whose physical features are not very similar. One is white, blonde with blue eyes and the other is black, with brown eyes and dark hair. Both are a fight against discrimination.

Eleven years ago two sibling twins with different skin colors were born. Marcia is light-skinned, with blue eyes and blond hair. Her sister Millie is black, with brown eyes and dark hair. Individually, they are called Millie Marcia Madge Biggs and Marcia Millie Madge Biggs.

They called them that because they shared similar skin tones but Millie’s skin darkened at ten months. His parents never worried about it or saw it as a problem, they just accepted it. After all, they were a couple made up of a white woman and a black man.

Since the girls are fraternal, not identical twins, this means that the two ovules of the mother were fertilized by two different sperm cells. Both are the cover of the National Geographic magazine in its April edition, where they tell how they are an example to combat racism.

According to statistical geneticist Alicia Martin, who spoke with National Geographic, the traits of fraternal twins tend to have numerous variables, such as the origin of the parents’ ancestors.

They say that almost every day of their short life they ask if they are friends and the next question they ask them. When they hear that they are twins it is “are they really?” The good thing is that both inevitably grew in an environment where there is no racism, and in fact, both are aware that there is and understand the concept well.

Millie says that “racism is when someone judges you by your color and not by your real self”, and Marcia says that it is “something negative because it can damage the feelings of people.” However, this is not such a unique phenomenon. It happens in one of every 100 cases of fraternal twins.

Many may believe that the difference in girls’ skin color may be what stands out the most. But it is actually the farthest concern in their heads. Both are clear, they differ in their styles, tastes and complex ways of being.

“People can not tell you that you are one thing, they can not tell you that you are white and can not tell you that you are black because you are not, you are like a type of both,” Millie answers in GMA with wisdom.



Written By
Africh Royale

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