Africa CDC and managing Covid-19 in Africa

This news comes on the back of the rise in the number of infected cases in countries like Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo, Egypt amongst others.
One of the reasons for the increase is partly due to the ease in lockdown restrictions in parts of the continent to enable people resume business activities as a way to revive the economy.
Despite the increase in infection rates, the continent has been able to keep down the number of deaths compared to predictions made earlier in the year. The Director of Africa’s Centres for Disease Control and Protection, Dr. John Nkengasong, during a virtual interview attributed the reason to competent leadership.
He says, “The prediction was not based on any solid assumptions and reasons for the low number of deaths was based on early leadership and the level of individual states to take drastic measures. ”
The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in Africa, in response to the possible outbreak of a second wave has encouraged continuous vigilance, implement infection prevention and continued widespread testing.
Similarly, Africa CDC is also making plans with Europe and China to obtain doses of the Covid-19 vaccines very early next year. Regardless of logistics and storage problems, the vaccine needed would reportedly be about 1.5 billion doses. The figures for Covid-19 is put at over 1.8 million recoveries and surpass 2 million confirmed infections.