
20 Energy Ministers Storm 21st Africa Energy Forum in Portugal

20 Energy Ministers Storm 21st Africa Energy Forum in Portugal
  • PublishedJune 13, 2019

The 21st edition of the Africa Energy Forum has begun yesterday at the Lisbon Congress Center, Portugal. It is the leading global investment meeting for Africa’s energy, power, infrastructure, and industrial sectors.

The Forum is a platform where deals are made by decision-makers from governments, commercial and development banks, engineering and technology companies, law firms and consultancies.

They come together across the energy value chain to discuss opportunities for the investment and development of African power projects.

The event will host 20 energy ministers, 2,500 delegates, as well as a number of streamed panel discussions, workshops, and seminars. It will focus on investment in power projects within different African regions and countries, financing solutions, technology innovations in the energy sector and the progress of different fuel types in Africa.

The event, which will run for four days, commences with the Government opening ceremony.

As a business with 75 percent female leadership, 56 sessions in Lisbon will be moderated by some of the most brilliant women in the energy sector.

There will be a spotlight on energy progress in Egypt, Ghana, Morocco, Mozambique, South Africa, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Angola, Zimbabwe, and Kenya, among others.

Also, the charity football match tagged: ‘The Africa Challenge Cup’ will hold the same day.

Africa Energy Forum has teamed with the principal partner of Manchester United, KOHLER and Clarke Energy to raise £30,000. This was done to provide 1,350 WakaWaka Solar Lanterns and Power + Solar Charging Power Packs to support those completely shut off from energy as a result of the cyclone.

There will be a major new initiative to bring together students from different countries across the continent. The initiative is known as ‘The AEF University Challenge’ and will give Energy Net Student Engagement Initiative (ESEI).

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Students from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, South Africa, and Senegal will get the opportunity to be crowned ‘2019 University Challenge Champions’.

Written By
Africh Royale

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