Ancient spiritual African practice inspired the major religions around the world

The world’s most influential and popular religions were inspired by ancient spiritual practice of the indigenous people. A critical examination of the characteristics and history of these major religions will show“there is actually nothing special”. Before Christianity, Islam, and Judaism there was a common African spiritual practice regarded as Witchcraft, Voodoo and Dark Magic and other names.
An American premier researcher, author, and lecturer, Dr. Ben-Jochannan spent more than half his life emphasizing the global contributions of Africans.
Spiritual practices were one of the most dynamic contributions Africans gave the world today, the concept has become the major religions of the world.
Here is an excerpt of Dr. Ben in his classic work African origins of the Major Western Religions:
“The role of Africans (also called “Bantus, Nigga, Negroes, Pygmies, Bushmen, Hottentots” and other degrading terms) and their descendants in the field of religion, in all other fields of human endeavor, is usually ignored and obviously denied completely.”
He further said, “If what has been said so far could become general knowledge, the public would have no issue in recognizing that much of what they read in their Christian Holy Bible (any version – Roman Catholic or Protestant and Christian Scientist), Torah (Jewish Holy Book or Five Books of Moses), and Moslem (Muslim) Koran or Quran, would be conceded to be of African roots, as well as Asian, and bought by Europeans and European-Americans before their arrival in the Americas – the “New World.” But as long as racism still stands as the bedrock upon which these religions are taught, rejection of the indigenous African and Asian peoples’ contribution to them shall continue to be camouflaged into the authorship of those who did least to start them, but most to continue them as their own exclusive domain.“
Dr. Ben argued about Major Western Religions having African origins. The researcher posits that the concept of a “spirit world” can be seen in most “traditionally indigenous African religions, especially before exposure to the Caucasian/European colonization of indigenous territories. Also, he said that the concept of “good” and “evil” spirits, ancestors, and omens are discovered in most traditionally indigenous African religions. ‘Western Religions’ refer to this phenomena with terms like “angels” or “demons”.
More so, Moses, in the Bible (as well as everyone else) was undoubtedly an indigenous African man. The Sacrificial Drinking (libations) was part of the ancient spiritual practices and still is done by traditionally indigenous ‘religions’. Christians take wine for the Holy Communion and Jewish Rabbi’s drink wine on the sabbath.
Although, despite the de-culturalization of indigenous minds by European colonizers, there remains an unconscious reflex to spiritual stimulation by way of distinct tones, harmonies, chants and rhythms (music). Also, the 10 Commandments originated from the “Book of the Dead”, The Hymn of Adoration to the God Osiris – ‘Negative Confessions’. While the book of proverbs in the Bible was not written by Solomon, they are from the teachings, collection of poetry and songs of “Amen-em-ope” (Pharoah/King)
In other words, Osiris was one, of many, to be considered to be the “one true god” thousands of years be Christianity emerged.
According to Dr. Ben, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam got its root from the original spiritual systems of indigenous minds from the Africa continent. Indigenous African minds have always been in tune with the full spectrum or balance of the human physical/spiritual relationship.
That is until “new” religions were forced upon indigenous minds and to some, the ancient knowledge faded into memory. Superimposed by a dogma that encourages subservience to undeserving persons while justifying the enslavement of indigenous minds. The ancient spiritual practices and understandings of indigenous minds were transformed into a tool to disconnect us and made us captive, rather than connect us and energize us, as the original science was intended to.